
Sunday, February 5, 2012

I enter the world of blogging...

I've been thinking, for the past several months, of starting my own blog about polish.  I follow a ton of other blogs and love reading people's opinions, seeing their pictures and getting inspiration from their ideas.  I started to want my own outlet to share my manicure ideas and opinions.  Especially in a larger space than what commenting on other people's blogs will allow.  I did have some hesitations though...what if no one reads it, what if someone actually does read it, does anyone really need another polish blog out there, my pictures aren't that great, blah blah blah...but really the hardest thing was coming up with a stupid name!  There are some awesome blogs out there and some very clever names.  Often, when I would think of a name to use, a quick Google search would turn up a blog already using it.  The name I decided on finally came to me one Saturday night when I was in my kitchen watching TV, waiting on the pizza I was cooking in the oven.  I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the crazy amount of polish I had bought in the past few months and how I have so much that it makes it hard to choose what to use each week when I do a new manicure.  Finally I was just thought, "What to do with all this polish!  Hmmm, all this polish.  I kinda like that."  Once the name, All This Polish, was decided on, it was time to get a general design put together and get past my initial fears of putting my opinions and my attempts at nail art out there for the entire internet to see.

I imagine that eventually I'll go into some more detail about my obsession with polish and how it came to be.  But for now, I'm just going to post some pictures I have of some of my manicures that I have done in the past several months.  Most of these are from 2011.  You may have seen some of these pictures online at the Facebook page for My Simple Little Pleasures.  Colette's blog is one of the first polish blogs I started reading and her water marble tutorials on YouTube really helped fuel the obsession I now have with nail polish.  Her Facebook page for her blog is one of the few places I ever got up enough nerve to post my designs.  The others are mostly Facebook pages as well, such as Zoya's Facebook page, China Glaze's Facebook page and I also have an account in the Nail Art Gallery on the NAILS Magazine web site.

So, pardon my pictures as some of them aren't the greatest quality.  I really need to get a new digital camera.  I currently have a Sony, which I bought back when my cat was just a kitten and she will be 9 this coming May!  For a self-proclaimed gadget geek, it's pretty sad that I haven't bought a new camera in almost a decade.  I'm also learning new tricks and experimenting to get better results but most of these pictures are from before I started messing with settings and lighting.  Also, pardon my experimentation with my watermark.  It seems like a good idea to watermark my pictures but I'm still playing around with how exactly I want it to look.  Opinions and tips are welcome!  These are posted in the order I did them, starting with my first water marble and then my first attempt at Konad stamping, both of which I did in May 2011.

Crappy cell phone pic of my first ever water marble.

Cell phone macro (special lens attachment) of water marble.

Cell phone macro (special lens attachment)
of my first ever Konad.

Inspired by Chloe's Nails

My take on the candy corn manicure.  Done around the
same time as Colette's, which gave me the confidence
to try the idea as I saw it in my head.

Inspired by My Nail Graffiti

Well, there you have it, my first post.  This whole thing will be a work in progress.  I have some experience with image editing and HTML/web site design so it should be fun to get back into that a little bit.  I'm sure I'll eventually try changing colors and settings, add on some tabs and some more links and all the bells and whistles.  But for now, I'm satisfied with my initial entry into this brand new world.


  1. OMG!!! How do you not have a gazillion comments on this post telling you how mad your stamping skills are!!!! and this was your first post? Incredible))))

  2. This person on Facebook has stolen one of your photos and is claiming it as her own art, You're not the only person she's doing this to either.

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I checked out that page and it looks like a ton of people are letting her have it and pointing out all the real sources of the pics she is stealing.
