
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Last Thursday, I checked my email to discover a huge surprise.  It was an email from Ria, from Ria Loves Pawlish, to inform me that she had nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I was shocked!  This is the first award I've been given by a fellow blogger and I have to admit, I got a little giddy.  Thanks so much to Ria for the award!  Be sure to check out her blog.  She has a lot of great swatches and reviews up on a ton of different colors.

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging. 
  2. Let them know that you have nominated them. 
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself. 
  4. Thank the bloggers that have nominated you. 
  5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

I don't know how "new" exactly you could consider some of the bloggers that I chose.  I might actually be the newest one out of almost all of these, lol.  But I went through the list of awesome blogs I already follow and tried to pick out blogs that first of all, I love, and that were "sorta" new in terms of blogs that started either sometime this year or they started, more or less, sometime within the past 12 months.  So most of these basically started sometime between April 2011 and April 2012.  Be sure to check all of them out if you haven't already.

All Things Glitter
Counting Down To Bliss
DIY Polish & More!
Football and Fingernails
Jessica's Nail Tales
Lacquered Tips
Mandy's Polish
My Life in Polish
My Nail Polish Obsession
One Nail To Another
Paint on the Glitz
Rustic Comfort

Hmm, so now I need 7 random facts about myself...

1. I am a huge baseball fan.  I love all sports in general, but baseball is my absolute favorite and my favorite team is the Phillies.

2. I have a female grey tabby cat named Dusty, who will be 9 years old in May.

3. Doing my nails is probably the only "girly" thing I'm good at.  I have two hairstyles that I can do: up and down, lol, and I can never seem to pick the right colors when it comes to lipstick or eyeshadow.

4. I like all types of music but lately I've been listening mostly to rock music on Sirius/XM's Octane channel.  However, I really do like all types of music.  My very first concert was Aerosmith.  Over the years, I've seen everyone from Poison to The Foo Fighters to The Monkees (it was awesome!) to Garth Brooks (completely awesome!) and I've seen 'NSYNC live 3 times. o_O

5. I love the month of March.  My birthday is in March.  And more importantly, two words: Shamrock Shakes!

6. My favorite color is green.  I guess that could work for loving March too, lol.  Lots of green themes in March for St. Patrick's Day.

7. Besides nail polish, I could easily spend all my money at Office Max or Staples.  I love Post-it Notes and Sharpies and little desk organizers and gadgets and computer accessories.  I'm a total nerd!

Thanks again to Ria!  Be sure to check out her blog and all the blogs I've posted about tonight!


  1. Congratulations Sarah! I love your blog too and you deserve this award :)

  2. I think I've finally found someone who loves shamrock shakes as much as I do! Thanks for nominating me!

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! You are too sweet. And holy cow, I LOVEEE Shamrock Shakes. Two years ago I literally drove around to 15 different McDonalds trying to find one! haha

  4. you're welcome! and AHHHH you saw Garth Brooks?! *faints*
